Innovation Experience along with IEEE-Kerala will hold an ‘Unconvention’ on August 23 at C-DAC, Technopark campus. This is part of a national series of events organised by Viligro, a leading social enterprise incubator, designed to inspire budding local social entrepreneurs and nurture a social enterprise movement across India.

Villgro, as a responsible social business incubator, which aims to unearth social entrepreneurs from smaller locations and bring them to fore, in order to make the social enterprise movement grow.  Unconvention is intended as a platform for this, to activate the local entrepreneurs and encourage them to join the mainstream.

Villgro also aims to systematically enable these entrepreneurs and help them build successful enterprises.

The realisable objectives of organising Unconventions at smaller locations for the social entrepreneur is to activate him, give him the knowledge, necessary guidance to take the business forward and provide the promise of support. For investors and other stakeholders, these engagements trigger the possibilities of a future deal and networking opportunities.

Aspiring social entrepreneurs, students, (from sectors such as agriculture, water, dairy, energy, health, education), Service providers (designers, marketing experts, financial advisers, mentors, consultants), student groups who have an entrepreneurship idea, those who follow NEN, NSEF etc, volunteers who have worked with social enterprises and faculty at social entrepreneurship courses are some of the participants at the meet.

For details regarding Unconvention click here or contact Michelle Abraham over email: or Sandy Singh at

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