Urban Poverty and Poverty Alleviation: Perspectives, Challenges and Trends
Featuring speakers from: SNEHA, Alternative Realities, mHS, SWACH
Tuesday, 11 December, 10:00-18:00, Mumbai
Registration and Tea/Coffee from 09:30
Venue: Dutch Design Workspace, Podar Center, Parel Post Office Lane, Dr. B R Ambedkar road, Parel East, Mumbai
Please RSVP: Lina Sonne, Editor, Searchlight South Asia | lina.sonne@intellecap.com
Celebrating three years of Searchlight South Asia by launching an anniversary issue and inviting you to a one day workshop on urban poverty perspectives, challenges and trends in India, on 11 December. The workshop is squarely focused on ground-level realities and features organizations sharing their perspectives on urban poverty and their innovative and pioneering work in areas such as education, housing, harassment and health of women, waste, livelihoods and homelessness. They bring together participants from the NGO and urban poverty space, urban planning, academia, social enterprises and organisations working on social impact in various forms, to listen to knowledgeable speakers, converse in breakout sessions, network and exchange thoughts, views and ideas on urban poverty and urban poverty alleviation in India, during a truly interactive day-long workshop. Please join! The workshop is free.