A new curriculum designed for rural telecenter managers in India has recently launched. The Indira Gandhi National Open University has teamed up with Telecentre.org Academy to help train managers on subjects such as management, information technology, and communications skills. The article notes that there are approximately 500,000 telecenter managers in Indian villages. The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU represented by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. V N Rajashekharan Pillai) in partnership with the Telecentre.org Foundation (represented by Dr. Basheerhamad Shdarach ) announces the launch of first ever university certified course on Telecentre Management. It is Telecentre managers ,, workers and operators capacity building  program in India and it will be replicated in many national academies in the world.  Through this unique program, IGNOU and Telecentre.org Foundation desire to train 500,000 grassroots level knowledge workers and village level entrepreneurs spread across the entire country.