The International Finance Corporation has partnered with India’s National Institute for Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development (NIESBUD) to pilot a Training of Trainer’s program for the micro, small, and medium enterprise sector. The initiative aims to build capacity among MSMEs through business building skills and knowledge transfer.
IFC has signed an MoU with the National Institute for Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development (NIESBUD), an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises to undertake projects jointly relating to entrepreneurship development in India.
As a result, the NIESBUD will collaborate with the IFC in conducting Training of Trainers (TOT) programme, based upon their vast experience in the area, for strengthening the training skills of MSME Trainers so that they are in a better position to impart training and thus facilitate sustenance of this vital sector of the Indian Economy. The ultimate objective is to create a cadre of Master Trainers who would, in turn, replicate the model to impart training for MSME Sector in a much bigger way.
Speaking on the occasion, Virbhadra Singh, the Union Minister of MSME noted the crucial role of the MSME Sector in achieving different socio-economic objectives and focused on the need to equip the workforce with the required skills.
The Minister expressed the hope that the programmes will go a long way in improving business skills and knowledge transfer, measuring outcome through ensuring application of the acquired skills and building a professional community among MSME trainers.
The Pilot Programme(s) will be organized for the selected Trainers from across the 5 identified States/U.Ts. The Programme(s) shall involve the use of the Business Edge Training of Trainers methodology of IFC which has been rolled out in 29 countries so far. The methodology is a learning platform for small businesses that includes a comprehensive and effective approach to equip trainers with key facilitation skills.