The GIIRS Quarterly Analytics Report is the first impact investing industry report to provide key findings and trends in data collected from GIIRS rated companies and funds, covering sectors, sizes, maturities and geographies. Findings from the report provide a uniquely powerful tool for investors to benchmark their own portfolios against this data set. To compare your own portfolio of impact investments to this rated universe, sign up as a subscriber to GIIRS Ratings & Analytics.

This report is based on data collected through January 31, 2012 from all GIIRS rated companies. Out of the 136 rated companies, 72 completed the developed markets assessment and 64 completed the emerging markets assessment. This includes portfolio companies of GIIRS Pioneer Funds, GIIRS Partners (Investors Circle, Toniic, SVX, Agora Partners) and Certified B Corporations that have been rated. Throughout the report, data is only provided where the sample size includes six or more data points; otherwise it is left blank.

Scores reflect a full spectrum of impact across the GIIRS rated universe
• The median GIIRS score for developed market companies is 82 and the median for emerging/frontier markets is 101.
• The spread between high and low scores in both geographic markets exceeds 100 points, signifying that the GIIRS rating process is successful in differentiating impact.

Most GIIRS rated companies are designed for positive impact
• 95% of rated companies have at least one Socially or Environmentally Focused Business Model (see page 6 for more detail)
• 85% of rated companies provide a socially-beneficial or environmentally-beneficial product or service to consumers
• 38% of rated companies target the underserved with beneficial products or services

Emerging market rated companies earn more points for Community-focused Business Models (Community SEMs).
From the first set of rated companies, data shows that emerging market companies tend to ear n points for:
• providing a socially focused product or service
• targeting the underserved
• focusing on supply chain models, and
• having job creation focused business models
Whether this trend persists over time will be proven as the universe of rated companies grow.

Please click here to access the full report

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