Innovate UK is investing up to £1.6 million for projects that use cutting-edge solutions to enhance healthcare, clean technology and infrastructure in India.
The aim of this competition is to encourage innovative partnerships between the UK and India. Innovate UK and the Indian government are funding this competition, administered by the Newton Fund.
Projects should address one or more of the following societal challenges:
– clean technology
– affordable healthcare
– electronic system design and manufacture (ESDM) technology solutions for urban, energy, healthcare, infrastructure, disaster management and environmental challenges
Innovate UK expects projects to range in size from total costs of £350,000 to £450,000 in the UK. Projects should last between 12 and 24 months.
If you are a UK business, you can carry out the project as the only UK partner or you can work with others. However, at least one partner must be an Indian business. A UK business must lead the project.
Click here for more details. Click here for online registration and application.