AVPN would like to invite you to a round table in Mumbai on 16 October 2013 to discuss the key issues that can unlock more human capital towards capacity-building of social purpose organisations (SPOs); these include:
1. How to make a convincing business case to employers?
2. What SPO needs can be effectively met by skilled volunteers?
3. How to meet the personal needs of the volunteers?
4. What engagement structures between skilled volunteers and SPOs work well?
5. Assessing impact – have we produced substantial value for the SPO?
This round table discussion will be led by Fiona Halton, CEO of Pilotlight UK and will take place between 16.00hrs and 18.30hrs, followed by a networking reception. Pilotlight is an intermediary focussed on mobilizing skilled volunteers; they currently work with 280 corporate clients and as of 2012, have impacted 3335 SPOs in the UK.
There are limited seats at the round table and participants will be primarily senior executives from AVPN member and prospect organisations.
Prior to this round table, AVPN will conduct a workshop between 12.30hrs and 16.00hrs with up to 30 managers and front-line practitioners to review the local challenges and compose a set of recommendations that will be put forth for strategic review at the round table. This workshop will be facilitated by Patsian Low, Director of Philanthropy at Singapore’s National Volunteer and Philanthropy Center.
To provide for a more productive dialogue at the workshop, we have invited participants representing the following function/roles: SPOs, skilled volunteers, CSR managers, intermediaries facilitating volunteer matching, social investors.
All participants to the workshop and round table are by invitation. Please register your interest to participate via email to Chelsea Chen (chelsea@avpn.asia) if you would like to join us for the round table (16.00hrs to 18.30hrs) and/or the workshop (12.30hrs to 16.00hrs).
Date: 16 October 2013
Venue: Mumbai, specific location to be confirmed
Full Program
Workshop Program
12.30hrs: Workshop Registration opens
13.00 – 14.15hrs: Introduction by AVPN and by partner organization
Setting the Stage – local workshop leaders to provide context behind the challenges of mobilizing human capital
The Pilotlight Model – Fiona to review the PilotLight model, addressing questions along the way
14.15 – 14.45hrs Networking break
14.45 – 16.00hrs Breakout discussion to review the key issue areas related to mobilizing human capital effectively
Reporting back and close
Round table Program
16.00 – 16.30hrs Round Table registration opens
16.30 – 18.30hrs: Round Table Round table discussion: “How to mobilize human capital effectively to build capacity” – discussion leader: Fiona Halton.
Introduction by AVPN and by partner organization
Fiona to present Pilotlight model
Fiona and 4 local workshop leaders to share on the following:
1. How to make a convincing business case to employers?
2. What SPO needs can be effectively met by skilled volunteers?
3. How to meet the personal needs of the volunteers?
4. What engagement structures between skilled volunteers and SPOs work well?
5. Assessing impact – have we produced substantial value for the SPO?
Moderated discussion, Wrap-up
18.30 – 19.30hrs Networking reception
More information about the event click here