Unconvention, the social entrepreneur centric conference series established by Vilgro is expanding to multiple cities across India during 2013. In recognition of the needs of social entrepreneurs to access resources, support and funding Vilgro, the Indian NGO dedicated to supporting rural innovation, established the Unconvention. Now, after three conferences the Unconvention is broadening its’ remit and looking to establish smaller, satellite, events across Indian cities in the form of Unconvention-L.

Unconvention-L’s wil have the same objectives as the main Unconvention, namely to empower social entreprenerus through knowledge and guidance to take their social venture forward.

Vilgro and Unconvention have put a call out for partners and supporters to establish local Unconventions.  For more information see http://www.unconvention.co.in/unconvention–l or contact michelle@vilgro.org